Tuesday 31 July 2007

The Magic That Is The British Summer

What the hell’s going on?
You wake up and it’s sunny, so you’re happy.
Have you’re breakfast and then it’s cloudy.
You go and brush your teeth, look out the window, now it’s raining!
What shall we do today?
I know lets go shopping, seeing the weather’s bad.
Oh, the sun’s coming out again.
Wouldn’t want to waste a day like this so let’s go to the beach instead.
Pack bag, get in car, pick up friends, drive to beach.
Clouds are filling in again, oh no…
Don’t worry it’ll be fine, they’ll pass by in no time, the winds getting stronger now.
But the clear blue seems to be disappearing fast and the greys beginning to linger.
Get to beach, seems to be a lot colder than it was this morning.
Unpack everything, we’ll sit it out, no problem. It’ll pass over in no time.
I felt a spec of wet, is that rain?
No it can’t be.
Another drop.
Yes. Yes it is.
Pack everything up again and walk back to car.
It’s pouring now, flip flops are flapping and slipping everywhere.
Get back to car drenched and half drowned.
Ok, let’s drive home, we’ll find something to do there.
Oh the rains stopped now.
It seems to be getting brighter. Oh look the sun’s out shining again, shall we take a detour?
Yes let’s stop at the park and have a picnic.
The ground sure has dried quick in this (now) blazing sunshine.
Get to park, unpack car, and lay out mats and food.
Finish food, lie out and soak up some rays.
It sure is getting hot, my skins tingling.
Oh great, I’ve burnt! Only been out in the sun for an hour and I redder than a tomato.
Oh that’s nice and cold, makes my skin feel alive again.
Hang on a minute?
Is that?
Oh I don’t believe it.
It can’t be.
Not in August.
Oh look there’s another piece. It’s definitely what I thought it was.
Quick, let’s pack everything up again.
Ouch that hurt.
Jesus! That really hurt!
Who threw that? What was…?


Run for it!